Maybe this is kinda mean, but I gotta be honest, I kinda bummbed at my Newgrounds followers. 😅
Don't get me wrong, I super enjoy all my supporters and people who appreciate my art.
But at the same time I always get super excited whenever I get a notification or a new follower, even a single one makes me happy. But then I see it's like a nothing account and I'm like "Oh."
Of course not everyone makes stuff or even shares it publicly. Most people aren't artists, or in Newgrounds case; artists, animators, musicians, etc. Go Newgrounds 🤘
I dunno. At the very least change your profile pic, like what are you even doin', Maybe 90% of you don't have a profile pic, heck use my art I don't care.
Regardless I am still very gratefully to get any attention at all, I coudn't've imagined having this many followers here in the past 🤗