I certainly hope people here aren't getting too tired of me drawing a bunch of Marin and Dotidot 😅
I know my uploads haven't been as diverse as they used to be sorry, I have quite a few things weighing me down keeping me from drawing as many things as I could, however it's nothing outside of my control.
Just procrastination.
In the future I'd like to do monthly polls on something like Patreon or Kofi and people can vote for what I draw, but something like that is a ways away and It's not something I've ever done before.
I also want to try restructuring my Itchio, again.
Anyway, thankya for those who are enjoying what I make, I hope to be able to improve things soon 🙏
I mostly sketch but they only make it to Newgrounds with batches of completed art, so if you wanna see everything I make when I make it be sure to follow my other socials too.
Scrambled, Boiled, Raw, Eggs really are special.
As long as you are still feeling the joy of drawing Marin and Dotidot, then that's all what truly matters in the end. I can totally relate with the procrastination though.
Hope your future plans get brought out into fruition and end up being successful.